We are proud of our Team Hadaya, working around the clock at the studio and online, handling your orders or inquiries. Many times you will interact with most of the team and the piece we make for you, will be a combined effort. We’ll do our best to meet your needs, and get the small details right. Though it’s all hand made, whenever possible, we will be happy to time the order process with your timetable.
Our Team Hadaya is consisting of Hadaya’s wife, three sons and four amazing girls! #HadayaGirlPower
Scroll below to read about each team Hadaya member.
Our father, mentor and founder of the company. A true artist.
Has been making jewelry in the old city of Jerusalem since 1983.
Interview and more in our story. Married to Shira, a father of three (Esh, Shahaf, Almog), a grandfather of two.
Sadly passed away in late 2017. He was one of a kind. Oneofakind.co.il
Hadaya’s son. Our IT manager, copywriter and spokesperson. A singer songwriter.
Developing our Hadaya networks and may contact you via email/chat/social to assist with orders or inquiries.
Joined the team in 1999 and has been taking your online orders since.
Hadaya’s son. Our company manager and a skillful jeweler. Manages all our order processing online and offline.
Oversaw the project of making our amazing new website and is now working behind the scenes to better the Hadaya experience.
Joined the team in 2001. A father of two.
Our long-time studio supervisor and customer care representative. She is the one to set stones and work with our more complicated jewelry techniques, a highly skilled jeweler we are proud to call our own. Engraving our designs as well.
Joined the team in 2003. A mother of four.
Our studio supervisor. A skillful jeweler, will take your orders and carefully make everything by hand. She was the one to come up with the Triple Spiral Ring design (at the studio, we still call it “Chanit ring”).
Joined the team in 2011. Introduced her younger sister, Rivka, to the team.
Hadaya's wife. Our company's CEO and group coordinator who has been taking care of both the family and bulk orders. Will communicate with you via email or phone and come meet your group with samples.
Joined the team in 2012. A mother of three (Esh, Shahaf, Almog), a grandmother of two.
Our group assistant. Will arrive to your group with Shira Hadaya or sometimes welcome you at our studio. Is in charge of payments and validating your address to make sure you will indeed receive your order.
Joined the team in 2014. A mother of two (Lihi is her youngest), a grandmother of four.
Hadaya's son. Our studio employee. A highly skilled jeweler. Started working unofficially many years ago and designed a couple of pieces we still carry. Engraving our designs he is officially a 2nd generation engraver. Is also the one to welcome our Sunrise Sale customers when we open daily at 9:00am.
Joined the team in 2018.
Our studio employee. A Skilled Jeweler, will gladly assist you at our studio and take your order with a smile.
Joined the team in 2018.