
Your SimpLink was saved in your account, you can access it at all times through ">My Account link

Simply Hadaya

Welcome to Simply Hadaya, where you can find all your favorite designs and quotes.
You can combine any design with any quote and/or add free text.

Once you have it all set, you can view the design or save it as a SimpLink, a short shortcut which holds all design measurements and engravings. This SimpLink will be kept in our system forever and you can always open it again, so if you ever lose your one of a kind Hadaya piece, we can recreate it using your original SimpLink.


Simply Hadaya

Simple to customize.

First choose a few favorite designs from our ONLINE STORE.

Pick a design

    Design measurements

    - First select a design -

    Design quotes


    Select from your favorites quotes
    - OR / AND -


    Select from your favorites quotes
    - OR / AND -

    Almost done...

    Show in Store
    - OR -